This week on The BioLOG Show, I get to speak with Dr. Pashuck of Lehigh University! Pashuck Lab focuses on developing cell-responsive biomaterials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
Join me in this insightful conversation where we talk about the biomaterials industry, biomaterials superpowers, and the lab’s most recent publication on Peptide Diversification. Thank you so much Dr. Pashuck for your time!
What is the BioLOG show?
In this show, I get to speak with Professors and Labs about the cool innovations they’re advancing in the Biomaterials space. Learn about how they came to be professors, why they are interested in Biomaterials, and their hopes for the field. Hopefully, learning about these Biomaterials Superheroes’ stories will make you want to get involved in the burgeoning world of Biomaterials too!